March 10, 2010


Around the age of five I started playing board games, of course, initially played without reading the instructions or following the rules. My brothers brought their favorite board games along with them when they came to India from the US while I came with funny little toys and cute dolls. My little friends & cousins were all attracted to the games which we had at home, therefore I always had someone to play with. I used to enjoy playing checkers, ludo, mastermind, monopoly, pit, scrabble...etc,. Rarely with ancient games such as chess and mancala.

As I wished to get back such a relaxation, so I started playing board games again, not the ones which I have mentioned above but more complex ones, in other words the ones which involves strategic thoughts. For some reason, I am not attracted to the Black & White game - Chess. I like German-style board games, they are more interesting ones than American-style games. One of the most popular German-style games is "Settlers of Catan". I have played this particular game in three different friend's home in three different countries...Canada, Germany & in the US. This year, we bought yet another German game - "Thurn & Taxis", its really a cool game, especially for the ones who have lived in Bavaria/Germany/Austria. In general, it is always lot more fun to play with more than one person. So, Mahesh, myself and my colleague...a board game geek - Kyle played board games regularly this winter which is just getting over. Whether we are 3, 4 or 5 players, does not matter, instead of competing with every other player, Mahesh & myself always concentrate on competing within ourselves, trying to get at least one point more than the other. Kiddish? Yeh...while playing games.

FYI, I often refer, Deutscher Spiele Preis (German Game Prize) and Spiel des Jahres (Game of the Year) to find an interesting board game.

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