Yesterday, we left our workplace at 7 pm. I wanted to go to Kohl's and Sears. Whereas Mahesh wanted to get some soup and go home. After the dilemma of which way to go, we decided to go to the stores. We went only to Kohls. I wanted to go to Sears just to exchange a t-shirt for a different size but Mahesh rejected the idea. Instead of our routine work to home city route, we took the K10 highway (from West to East) which is closer to the stores and a faster route. The speed limit is 65 mph and we were driving at 60 mph at around 8 pm. We were nowhere closer to the Clinton lake, soon a huge deer that wanted to cross the road (from North to South) jumped in front of our car! Mahesh pushed the brake but not too hard since we were driving at 60 mph. Also, he did not swerve the car. I was hoping that the deer does not touch our car but it did. I did not realize the impact since it was directly in front of the driver's side. I heard the crash as well as Mahesh's scream but did not see the crash directly since it all happened in a fraction of a second. We pulled over the car and were shocked to find the damage done by the dear deer. We immediately called 911 to record the crash. We learnt from the cop that by law we are supposed to immediately report the nearest law enforcement agency if a deer crash resulted in personal injury or property damage of $1,000 or more. GEICO estimated the damage to be $3200! We are glad that: the deer escaped its death with some injury, the deer did not jump onto our windshield and that we three are safe!
The same night, I learned more facts after reading the report in the It seems November being the mating season for deers, is the month with highest number of deer-vehicle crashes. According to the Kansas Department of Transportation, there were 9,628 deer-vehicle collisions in 2009! Can you believe it?
Just search for deer vehicle collision images on the internet. You will be shocked. Here is one - click me.

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